Friday, January 22, 2010

Blue Goldstone

Found this at the same store in Aurora. I grabbed this because of the shape (long like that in a bin of round, mis-shapen stones). I later found that this stone is manufactured, but there are still some great qualities to it, and besides, I still think it's pretty!

Keywords: Protects psychic and empathic sensitivities. Aids communication, pain relief. Provides composure and stabilizes emotions. Good for lifting depression and anxiety.

Element: Fire and Earth
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Vibrates to: 3

Links to more info on Blue Goldstone:
Goldstone on wikipeida (there was no entry for blue)
Blue Goldstone on


I found this at a wicked new age shop in Aurora. It was the only store I've seen that had such a MASSIVE variety in stones, and the only store that I regret not buying something from. (They had a beautiful painting that just put me in awe whenever I saw it. At the time I thought that $150 was steep for it, now I'd pay twice that for it.)

Well, I picked this one out because it was shaped very differently from the others. When I brought it to the counter, the clerk commented on what a unique form of apatite this was. I didn't realize until later that it was really unique. I have some other type of it, and it looks completely different. (Will post those pics later.)

Keywords: Erases sadness, irritability, and anger. Brings out the best inner-self. Optimism, acceptance of circumstances and people, healing, communicating, balancing, teaching. Enhances creativity, learning, coordination. Achieve deep states of meditation, clear thoughts. Extended use promotes unconditional love, willingness to let go of useless aspects of life (Helps one to let go of harmful things).

Element: Air, Earth
Zodiac: Gemini
Vibrates to: 9

Links to more info on Apatite:
Apatite on Wikipedia
Apatite on
Apatite on
Apatite on

Amethyst Clusters

I have so many of these clusters, I'll be updating the photos as I take them. I just love these things. They look so pretty on the desk, and they're great for charging whatever new stones I buy and cleanse.

Keywords: Cleanses aura, instills peace, meditation, serenity, composure. Enhances cooperation between one's mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. Brings about spiritual insight and intellectual reasoning (good for debates). Assists with overcoming addiction (be it substance, habit, person, etc.) and is known as the "stone of sobriety". Promotes healthy sleep habits (insomnia).

Element: Water
Zodiac: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn
Vibrates to: 3

Links to more info on Amethyst:
Amethyst on wikipedia
Amethyst on
Amethyst on

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Black Onyx Sphere

I bought this sphere from a vendor in a mall down in the city. It think it was the eve of the Solstice, it was a significant solstice. I think it was the beginning of winter, so it was the longest night, which was significant somehow. (Sorry, I don't celebrate u_u)
Anyway, this one has a rainbow in it. It's kinda hard to see, but I tried to get it in the photograph. There's also a bit of a chip on the bottom, which I'd love to heal on this, but I'm afraid I don't know how.

Keywords: Banish grief, enhance self-control, stimulate the power of wise decision-making, encourage happiness and good fortune. Helps to absorb, from the universe, energies that are needed. Strengthens intuition (helps one 'feel' guiding forces).

Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo
Vibrates to: 6

Links to more info on Black Onyx:
Onyx on wikipedia
Onyx on
Onyx on

Aqua Aura

I found this gem at my regular Hedge Witch store sometime in the mid-2000s. It caught my eye in the display case and I asked the woman behind the counter about it. It's a quartz crystal that is electrified with gold and the two are somehow infused together creating this beautiful blue.

Keywords:Inner peace, cleansing and smoothing the aura. Releases negativity from one's emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual bodies. Shine with inner beauty, attract wealth and success. Relieves depression & anxiety. Spiritual elevation. Enhances the truth of emotions. Meditation, psychic healing, protection from psychic attacks.

Element: Water
Zodiac: Gemini, Capricorn, Leo
Vibrates to: ?

Links to more info on Aqua Aura:
Aqua Aura on wikipedia
Aqua Aura on
Aqua Aura on

Agate - Moss

I think I picked this up from the Ontario Science Centre (if I'm not mistaken). It was on a trip to a strange place that I don't visit often, and this just jumped out at me from the gift shop. Many stores will carry the familiar clear-plexi bins that hold the standard fare of stones (amethyst, quartz, hematite, Apache Tears, etc.) and this one just... leapt out at me. I liked the difference between the white and green.

Key Words: Feelings of expansion, freedom, and space. Draws new friends. Relieves exhaustion, calms, balances emotions, persuasiveness, strength in all endeavours. Improves ego, self-esteem, provides for emotional balancing and strengthening of the positive personality traits. See the beauty within all that one's eyes touch. Acquisition of riches, power of speed.

Elements: Unknown
Zodiac: Virgo
Vibrates to: 1

Links to more info on Moss Agate:
Moss Agate on
Moss Agate on Wikipedia


I found this piece at my local new age store called The Hedge Witch. I was in an amber mood and needed a stone. This one wasn't very strong in attracting me, but I did select it out of a bin of dozens. It felt right for what was there.

Key Words:
Absorbs pain and negative energy, attracts romantic love, wisdom, bestows good luck and happiness, healing and balancing, enhances patience, balances moods and enables confidence, calming, remembrance of past lives and ancient knowledge.

Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Vibrates to: 3, 8

Links to more info about Amber:
Amber on wikipedia
Amber on
Amber on
Amber on

Introduction Post

At first I thought a web page would be suitable for this purpose, but then I started thinking a blog may be easier to update and navigate, what, with the advent of TAGS.

I admit I have a thing for gemstones.  Since i was little I have been drawn to the colours, the different designs, the different types of stones there are. I should have taken a gemology course, but library technician was an easier diploma to obtain.

So, this is my gemstone blog.  I don't have any training in the background of gemstones, or even recognizing grade quality.  I'm more of a fan of just... what catches my attention.  I can't keep away from those that seem to 'call' to me.  This blog's original purpose was to help me keep my names straight, so I could identify stones that aren't all that common.

However, if it's entertaining/informative for others as well, then I'm glad.

I will also include smatterings of new age terminology, definitions and properties of stones as I gather them.  Hey, I'm into the new age thing, so why not.

I have created this site as a repository of images and names of all my collected stones.  Often I forget the names, and I thought it would be fun to share my images, as well as preserve the knowledge of individual items.

I have no training in this field, I am simply a life-long lover of gemstones and semi-precious stones.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Credit Post

The information found on each of my posts (where I list the crystal properties) are taken and combined from several sources. I have not used a single line from any of these sources, but rather, read the information on each crystal and took note of what stood out to me and seemed important to me.

"Crystal Age." 2010. <>.

"Sobriety Stones." 2010. <>.

McCreary, Emma. "Beadage." 2010. <>.

Margherite, Jeane. "Shimmerlings." 2010. <>.

Melody. Love is in the Earth: a kaleidoscope of crystals: the Reference Book Describing the Metaphysical Properties of the Mineral Kingdom. Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1999.