Friday, January 22, 2010


I found this at a wicked new age shop in Aurora. It was the only store I've seen that had such a MASSIVE variety in stones, and the only store that I regret not buying something from. (They had a beautiful painting that just put me in awe whenever I saw it. At the time I thought that $150 was steep for it, now I'd pay twice that for it.)

Well, I picked this one out because it was shaped very differently from the others. When I brought it to the counter, the clerk commented on what a unique form of apatite this was. I didn't realize until later that it was really unique. I have some other type of it, and it looks completely different. (Will post those pics later.)

Keywords: Erases sadness, irritability, and anger. Brings out the best inner-self. Optimism, acceptance of circumstances and people, healing, communicating, balancing, teaching. Enhances creativity, learning, coordination. Achieve deep states of meditation, clear thoughts. Extended use promotes unconditional love, willingness to let go of useless aspects of life (Helps one to let go of harmful things).

Element: Air, Earth
Zodiac: Gemini
Vibrates to: 9

Links to more info on Apatite:
Apatite on Wikipedia
Apatite on
Apatite on
Apatite on

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